Secondary Story Card

These cards support lower profile stories. Images are optional. We recommend using the slider component on mobile to minimize the use of vertical screen space.

When to use

For browsing articles, news, blog posts, or other editorial content.

Alternative horizontal format to story card with less emphasis on photo.


Secondary Story Card Anatomy

1. Border (required)

2. Image Link

3. Container (required)

4. Date

5. Title Link (required)

6. Byline

7. Supporting Text


<article class="ucla-card ucla-card__story-secondary">
  <a class="story-card-image-link" href="#">
      alt="Danielle Dupuy, assistant director of the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies"
  <div class="ucla-card__body">
    <p class="ucla-card__date">September 02, 2021</p>
    <h3 class="ucla-card__title"><a
      >Society, Struggle, Scholarship</a></h3>
    <p class="ucla-card__author">By Joe Bruin</p>
    <p class="ucla-card__description">As UCLA’s four ethnic studies centers
      celebrate their 50th anniversary, their mission  —  to use advanced
      research to bring about social justice  —  takes on added urgency.</p>