Info Card

This card provides a brief snipped of information. Heading and either a summary or a list of related links is required.

When to use

Collections of related content. Cards help present a collection of related groups of content, like articles or sections of a website.


Info Card Anatomy

1. Title (required)

2. Supporting Text

3. Text Link

4. Border (required)

5. Container (required)


<article class="ucla-card ucla-card__info">
  <div class="ucla-card__body">
    <h3 class="ucla-card__title">How do parents embrace technology for kids, but prevent it from ruling the household?</h3>
    <p class="ucla-card__description">With schools closed and remote learning the norm, how many hours of digital technology are acceptable for kids, and how much is too much? Can parents control when kids use tec…</p>

      <a class="ucla-card__link" href="#">CTA 1</a>
      <a class="ucla-card__link" href="#">CTA 2</a>
